Course Enrolment:

Enrolment Begins (Iscrizioni Iniziano) each Academic Yearfrom September, then monthly to the end of May

The Academy’s Methodology

The Academy’s Methodology: Our International Direct Method approach in teaching English as second language gives students of all nationalities the possibility to learn and practise the English Language actively. The lessons are students centred.

Our Group Courses

Each student is initially tested to make sure that they placed into the Appropriate Group and Level. All Levels range from Complete Beginners (Principianti) up to Advanced
Courses are practical and intended for adults who wish to develop confidence in communicating in English in a variety of situation. You will develop your fluency and accuracy with realistic role-play and real-life scenarios.
Courses offering tangible progress using a variety of lively topics for younger students while providing thorough training in Exam Skills and solid language development.
We make learning English Easy and Exciting, involving children in a variety of Fun Activities. The lessons follow a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language, giving children a thorough grounding in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Grammar

...and our Individual lessons

One or two students who wish to deepen their knowledge in English for Specific Purposes such as taking National Examinations (Concorsi), University Exams, Business People dealing with other English Speaking Nationalities, People who must attend a Job Interview in English


Get in Touch

Our school is in Battipaglia (Sa) - Italy

  • Via Domodossola,69/F
  • Telephone: +390828303011
  • Our email:

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